myths about normal deliveries

8 Myths about Normal Deliveries

Because of the rising caesarean sections in Delhi, chances are that most of your family, friends and peers have also had one. In fact, caesarean deliveries are now so common, they’ve become the new normal, which has given rise to some myths about normal deliveries.

Caesarean deliveries are the reason that many apprehensions exist about vaginal deliveries.

Thyroid Disease and Pregnancy

All you need to Know about an Episiotomy

Until fairly recently, obstetricians were in favour of routinely giving episiotomies to labouring women during childbirth. However, the WHO guidelines clearly state that episiotomies should not be routinely performed.

If you’re keen to have a normal delivery, you should know when you might require an episiotomy, what it entails and how long the recovery and healing process can take.


Water Breaking During Pregnancy

If you ask Viji Vijayan about her birthing experience, perhaps your first reaction to her story will be full of surprise. We don’t meet too many mothers who stay so zen when their labour begins with their water breaking.

“I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and all of a sudden my water broke.

downs syndrome

Downs Syndrome and Pregnancy

Recently, one of our obstetric consultants met a mother with a 3-year old baby in her clinic. She was a playful and happy little baby but had a few characteristic features that set her apart. Payal had all the class signs of a baby with Downs Syndrome – a small chin, slanted eyes, a flat nasal bridge,

caesarean section myths

Caesarean Section Myths

Deliveries by caesarean section have been steadily rising in Delhi and across India over the last decade. And the reasons behind their rise are not always medically sound.

Sometimes, women elect to have a caesarean because they’re afraid of labour pains; but with the proper support in the labour room, women can successfully have a normal delivery and a positive birth experience.