ventral hernia

Ventral Hernia – Is Surgery the Right Option?

It had been a few weeks since Anshul Khanna had joined the gym when he felt discomfort in his lower abdomen. When he instinctively put his hand on his abdomen, he thought he felt something poke out.

“At first I dismissed it as my muscles getting tired because I was working out too hard,” recalled Anshul.

how to remove gallbladder stone without operation

How to remove gallbladder stone without operation: Is it really possible?

Nilesh Thapar, 27, was made aware of the presence of stones in his gallbladder when an abdominal ultrasound revealed the same. From that day on, he wondered how to remove gallbladder stones without operation.

He tried home remedies and homeopathy medicines but nothing worked.

One day when Nilesh experienced excruciating pain in the upper right part of his abdomen,

bronchitis in hindi

Bronchitis in Hindi: क्या आपकी ज़िद्दी खाँसी ब्रोंकाइटिस का लक्षण है?

आपके फेफड़ों में श्वास जिस मार्ग से आती और जाती हैं, उस अंग को श्वासनलि कहते है। यदि आपके श्वासनलि में जलन और सूजन हो जाए तो आपको ब्रोंकाइटिस (Bronchitis in Hindi) हो सकता हैं।

यह एक तरह का उत्तेजन है जिसकी वजह से श्वासनलि ज़्यादा बलगम बनाती है।

डॉ मयंक उप्पल,


Exercise During Periods: Helps With Cramps, Mood Swings and More!

Sana Sharma and her daughter, Shipra, 12, visited us with concerns related to periods. Shipra was a basketball player who not only played for her school’s team but also participated in interstate competitions.

“Now that she has started menstruating, how will she be able to participate in sports activities?” asked Sana, “I fear that she won’t be able to do much physical work on such days”,


Protrusion After Surgery? Could Be Incisional Hernia!

Aman Varma, a 48-year old software engineer, was diagnosed with incisional hernia when he consulted our surgeon about the protruding bulge in his lower abdomen.

“The bulge appeared at the incision site of an open appendectomy which I had in another hospital four months ago. Whenever I coughed forcefully or exerted pressure while passing stool,


What Does Spotting Mean: Before Period and During Pregnancy?

Spotting is any light vaginal bleeding that occurs outside your regular menstrual cycle. It usually involves a small amount of blood.

Dr Priti Arora Dhamija, Consultant, Obs-Gyn at Sitaram Bhartia Hospital says, “If you ever experience spotting or any bleeding besides your menstrual cycle, don’t ignore it.”

“It may not always be serious but consult your doctor to rule out any concerns.”

What are signs of spotting?


Picky Eater – Having Difficulty Feeding Your Toddler?


Rashmi Sahu had been struggling to get her toddler Aditi to eat properly ever since she resumed work.

“I faced no problems during breastfeeding and the weaning process. Her sudden aversion to food confused me,” said Rashmi at a consultation at Sitaram Bhartia Hospital in Delhi.

Rashmi was urged to not worry as it is a natural step in a child’s growth and independence.

Short Height in Children: Why, What and How to Treat It


When Roopali Bhasin came in for her 6-year-old son’s check up, she was visibly tense.

“When I saw my son’s class picture yesterday, I was disturbed to see that he was the shortest in the class” said Roopali.

“I used to feel he looked younger than most children his age but it was finally when I saw the class picture that I decided to get an expert opinion.”

Roopali‘s son Aryan was examined by a pediatrician,