फिशर से राहत पाने के सुरक्षित तरीके – ज़रूर पढ़े !

जब एनल केनाल के आस पास किसी तरह का कट हो या चीरा उभर आए तो उसे एनल फिशर या Fissure in ano कहते हैं |

फिशर के लक्षण

“अगर आप सख्त मल या शौंच करते हुए दर्द महसूस करते हैं या आपको खून निकलते हुए दिखाई देता हैं तो यह फिशर के लक्षण हो सकते हैं,” डॉ अमरचंद बजाज,

Sitaram Bhartia Gynaecologists - vaginal hysterectomy

Vaginal Hysterectomy: Indications, Risks and Recovery Time

Mrs Madhu Arora, 57, was advised a vaginal hysterectomy for her prolapsed uterus a long time back. In severe and long-standing cases of prolapsed uterus as well as of fibroids, endometriosis, abnormal bleeding and chronic pelvic pain – a hysterectomy may be the only option.

Madhu had been putting off the surgery but she couldn’t ignore the discomfort and sagging feeling in her pelvis anymore.

Best Gynecologist in Delhi – Recommended by Doctors!

Whatever be the reason you’re searching for the best gynecologist in Delhi, finding the right doctor is critical.

But relying just on online directories and reviews may be risky.

Who better to know about the best gynecologists in Delhi NCR than other doctors in the same specialty?

So we asked our staff gynecologists at Sitaram Bhartia Hospital in South Delhi to identify experts in their fields.

5 Simple Options for Slipped Disc Treatment Without Surgery

If you’ve been diagnosed with slipped disc, you need not fear treatment. The route to recovery involves physiotherapy sessions, pain killers. In most cases, you can expect to recover in two weeks with physiotherapy sessions and home exercises.  

“Slipped disc treatment without surgery involves physiotherapy through which we eliminate pain and functionally rehabilitate the person”  

3 Ways to Heal Your Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis is a condition which severely restricts shoulder movements and makes them painful. It usually happens in people with diabetes or those with injuries to the shoulder muscle (rotator cuff tear). It is also more commonly seen in women, and in people above 40.

“In most cases, a frozen shoulder can be treated with painkillers,