Vaginal Infection: 3 Things You Need to Know

Gayatri Gupta, 26, came in for a consultation when she experienced thick, curdy discharge, itching and redness in the vaginal area.

“I waited for a few days thinking it would get better, but it didn’t!” she exclaimed.

“If you face discharge with severe itching, it is best to consult a doctor immediately and check for vaginal infection” recommended Dr.


What You Need to Know about Bariatric Surgery

Obesity is not only a social stigma but also the root cause of many ailments and health disorders. Reema Sehgal was well-aware of this fact, and tried very hard to lose the extra kilos. But all her attempts at dieting and exercising failed due to her highly demanding job and chaotic work hours.


All You Need to Know About Cervical Cancer

Paulina, 25, came to consult one of the gynecologists at Sitaram Bhartia for irregular bleeding. On further questioning she confided that there was some bleeding after intercourse too. The doctor examined her cervix, which is the neck of the uterus, and recommended a Pap Smear test. Paulina was worried and wanted to know the implications of test results.

Partner support during labour

3 Benefits of Partner Support During Labour

When you ask couples about their delivery experience with us, most of them mention how the presence of their birthing partner during labour kept them going.

At Sitaram Bhartia, we encourage mothers to-be to choose a birthing partner who will be by their side to make the birthing process easier. A birthing partner helps in many ways.

unwanted pregnancy

How to Deal with an Unwanted Pregnancy

Shipra was nervous.

Today was the second day of her period except she wasn’t menstruating. She had reasoned that it was probably because of stress but now she wasn’t sure. She was hoping and praying it would not be an unwanted pregnancy.

Shipra quickly took the day off and rushed to the nearest chemist to buy a urine pregnancy test (UPT).