vbac in hindi

VBAC (सिज़ेरियन के बाद नॉर्मल डिलीवरी): अंकिता का अनुभव

“क्या सिज़ेरियन के बाद नॉर्मल डिलीवरी संभव है? ” अंकिता सिंह ने हैरानी से पुछा।


“हमारे हॉस्पिटल मे हर 5 मे से 4 महिलाएँ जिनका पहले सिज़ेरियन ऑपरेशन हो चुका है – नॉर्मल डिलीवरी बिना किसी गंभीर समस्या के पूर्ण कर पाती हैं।” सीताराम भरतिया  हॉस्पिटल की डॉ रिंकू सेनगुप्ता ने कहा ।

Partner support during labour

3 Benefits of Partner Support During Labour

When you ask couples about their delivery experience with us, most of them mention how the presence of their birthing partner during labour kept them going.

At Sitaram Bhartia, we encourage mothers to-be to choose a birthing partner who will be by their side to make the birthing process easier. A birthing partner helps in many ways.

precautions during pregnancy

Precautions During Pregnancy: Facts vs Myths

Neena  was  very excited when she first tested positive for pregnancy. But her excitement  slowly evaporated as more and more of her friends and well wishers alerted her about precautions during pregnancy.

Most commonly believed ‘precautions during pregnancy’ are not based on scientific evidence.

“It is always better to check with your doctor or else you may end up doing more harm than good” counsels Dr Priti Arora Dhamija.


गर्भावस्था में डायबिटीज (Gestational Diabetes Meaning in Hindi) : 5 तथ्य

अगर आप गर्भावस्था में डायबिटीज (Gestational Diabetes meaning in Hindi) से ग्रसित हैं, तो आपको चिंतित होने की ज़रुरत नहीं।  

ब्लड शुगर (blood sugar) के सही नियंत्रण से, शिशु पर कोई कुप्रभाव नहीं पड़ता । और आप नॉर्मल डिलीवरी के लिए भी कोशिश कर  सकते है।  और जानने के लिए आगे पढ़े।  


How to Control BP During Pregnancy: 3 Situations You Need to Know

How common is hypertension in pregnancy? According to Dr. Priti Arora Dhamija, “Approximately 10-15% of women have high BP during pregnancy. But with proper management, this typically does not pose a grave risk to mother or baby.”

“Very often, high BP in pregnancy appears in the last trimester. That’s why you need to be very regular with your visits and monitoring.”

High BP (blood pressure) during pregnancy manifests in 3 different forms.