3 month pregnancy

3 Month Pregnancy (in Hindi) – आप और आपके शिशु में बदलाव

3 month pregnancy (in hindi) के दौरान रीया मलिक, 27, ने अपने और अपने शिशु के स्वस्थ सेहत के लिए डॉक्टर से परामर्श किया|

“गर्भावस्था के लक्षण जैसे – थकान, उल्टी महसूस होना और भूख में कमी का होना – इन सभी से तीसरे महीने में आराम मिलना शुरू हो जाता हैं,” सीताराम भरतिया के डॉ पञ्चमप्रीत कौर ने कहा|

यह सुनके रीया खुश हुई और अपने 3 month pregnancy (in hindi) से संबंधित कुछ और अहम सवाल भी पूछें|

जाँच के समय रीया के मन में सबसे पहले अपने शिशु के विकास पर सवाल उठे|

3 month pregnancy (in hindi) में शिशु का विकास

तीसरे महीने के अंत तक शिशु के हाथ,

Oligohydramnios: Should You Be Worried?

Suvarna Mehta was 36 weeks pregnant when she visited Sitaram Bhartia for a second opinion. She had been advised early delivery because of less amniotic fluid around her baby.

Anxious about delivering early, she rattled off all the questions on her mind.

What is Amniotic Fluid?

Amniotic fluid is the fluid that surrounds the baby in the womb.

Quickening and Baby Movements: 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Month

Aarti Shah, first-time mom-to-be, excitedly awaited the time she would feel her baby’s first movements, also called quickening. She had heard her mother and grandmother vividly describe the fluttering sensation in the abdomen.

“The foetus may start to move around the 7th or 8th week of pregnancy but women may perceive these movements at different times,” says Dr.

Antenatal care

Antenatal Care – A Guide to Healthy Pregnancy

Manasi Roy, 26, heard of antenatal care for the first time when she got pregnant with her child.

Unsure if she needed regular antenatal check-ups, Manasi came to Dr. Kusum Lata Bhardwaj, Consultant Obstetrician at Sitaram Bhartia, with some of her concerns.

Is antenatal care important?

Antenatal care consists of healthcare services provided by professionals to the mother during her pregnancy.


3 Month Pregnancy: Changes in Your Baby and You

Riya Malik, 27, was excited about entering her third month of pregnancy. She had a series of questions lined up to ask the educators and her obstetrician at the hospital.

She wanted to know the changes her baby was going through and the changes she would experience.

She blurted out her questions as soon as she entered her doctor’s room.