“When my contractions grew intense, my husband and I just threw the hospital bag in the car and left for the hospital!” recalls Garima Shinde Neog.
Like Garima, its always better to be prepared in advance, so you’re not running around for things at the last minute. Ideally, your hospital bag for delivery should be packed before your 36th week ends because once you’re at full-term (37 weeks), labour could begin at any time.
What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag for Delivery
You’ll need to pack enough supplies for yourself, your birth partner and of course your baby.
Hospitals can vary widely in what they allow you to bring when you come to deliver at the hospital.Remember to check with your hospital if you have any specific concerns.
Our checklist (infographic) below should prepare you regardless of where you deliver.
If you are located in Delhi and looking for an experienced gynecologist for a second opinion on low-lying placenta, book a paid consultation by clicking the WhatsApp button below. You will be redirected to a care manager who will book your appointment.
Hospital Bag Essential for Mom
Official Paperwork
- A copy of all your medical records.
- At Sitaram Bhartia, we ask all mothers who come in with health insurance to have the following information as well:
- Consultation papers or your OPD booklet.
- Your latest ultrasound report
- Proof of ID
- Employee ID card
- Mediclaim card
Hospital Essentials for your Delivery Bag
- A comfortable cotton gown; preferably front-open
- An overnight kit with toiletries (Petroleum jelly, toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap and wet wipes)
- A couple of pairs of warm socks, slippers
- A hairbrush, comb and rubber bands
- Sanitary napkins
For After Delivery
- A fresh outfit for going home. Bring loose and comfortable clothes that you can slip into easily.
- Comfortable cotton underwear.
- A couple of nursing bras
Hospital Bag for the Baby
Stepping outside the womb is a huge change for new babies so it’s important to keep them as snug and warm as possible.You’ll need enough clothes to keep your baby comfortable and tightly wrapped.
- At least three-dozen cotton diapers preferably without safety pins. New babies need to be changed very frequently!
- Two to three sets of baby clothes. Bring extra layers for your baby if you’re delivering during winter.
- Two or three plastic sheets
- A baby blanket
- A soft towel
- One cap
- 2 pairs of socks or booties
- 2 pairs of mittens
The pharmacy at Sitaram Bhartia also stocks baby clothes for parents who haven’t been able to go shopping before the due date.
Hospital Bag for the Birth Partner
Your birthing partner will be amongst the most important members of your care team and will spend a lot of time on their feet. Here’s what they’ll need to bring.
- A pair of comfortable shoes
- A fresh change of clothes in case going back home is not possible
- Your medical information and extra payment options
- Mobile chargers for all devices you bring
To learn more, book a Labour and Delivery class and know what else is important that you might miss out on! Please call on +91 9871001458.