
How to Avoid Pregnancy: FAQs by Teenagers

There are a lot of misconceptions around sexual health and sexuality amongst young teenagers. They are often not fully aware of the appropriate ways to avoid pregnancy leading to disastrous consequences.

According to a report by NCBI, almost 30% of boys and 17% of girls above the age of 14 years are sexually active in India.


मीनोपॉज (Menopause In Hindi) – कैसे रखें इस दौरान अपना ख्याल?

हालाँकि मीनोपॉज (menopause in hindi) एक कुदरती प्रक्रिया है, कोई रोग नहीं, लेकिन कई महिलाओं के शरीर में हो रहें बदलाव उनके रोज़-मर्रा की ज़िन्दगी में समस्याएं खड़ी कर सकते हैं|

उसी प्रकार से गुंजन कालरा, 48, अपने स्वास्थ्य में बदलाव महसूस कर रहीं थी| इसकी वजह से उनको नींद आने में तकलीफ़ें आने लगी|

“कभी-कभार रात को मुझे गरमाहट महसूस होती थी और पसीना आता था| लेकिन मैं ने कई दिनों तक इन लक्षणों पर ध्यान नहीं दिया,” गुंजन ने कहा|

जब 2-3 महीनों से गुंजन के periods होने में देरी हुई तब उन्हें चिंता होने लगी| अपने पति के अनुरोध पर,

urine problem

Urine Problem In Women – Don’t Be Embarrassed About It!

Urinary incontinence is one problem that every woman experiences at least once in her lifetime. Women normally don’t seek treatment for the fear of embarrassment and due to a thought process passed on from elder women that it is a normal age-related change.

Nandita Shukla, 34, was going through the same dilemma after the birth of her second child.


Ovarian Cyst – Is Surgical Treatment The Right Option?

Ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac that may form on one or both ovaries. The cysts can be of different types depending on their origin and the cells they contain. Most ovarian cysts, however, are benign and may not require treatment.

Ovarian Cyst Treatment

Ovarian cysts are fluid filled benign structures in ovary which require treatment in selected situations.


Endometrial Polyp – Do You Require Treatment?

Reshma Jha, 39, came in with heavy intermenstrual bleeding and something coming out of the vagina for one week. On examination, her gynaecologist diagnosed a mass, called a polyp, coming out of the vagina. She recommended removal of the same.

Upon hearing the unfamiliar term, Reshma posed some of her urgent questions to Dr.

Urethral stricture

Urethral Stricture – Why You May Have Problems Passing Urine

Urethral stricture is a medical condition that makes it difficult to pass urine smoothly. Some people might also feel pain while passing urine.

That’s what Aditya Dahia, a 25-year old professional cyclist went through after a minor cycling accident. He started facing extreme difficulty and pain while urinating. When he did pass urine,