Is Your Frequent Urge to Urinate a Sign of Kidney Stone?


Amit Sharma, 35,  grew extremely worried when he noticed over a few weeks that his frequency to urinate had increased. He also observed that he was unable to pass urine smoothly which caused a lot of discomfort.

“I decided to consult a urologist when the persistent urge to urinate started affecting my daily life.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Know More About Its Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a mental illness which affects millions of children. Nupur Khandelwal, however, was unaware of this developmental disorder until her 3-year old son Mohit was diagnosed with ADHD.

“Mohit has been an energetic kid from the start, jumping here and there all the time. He often has difficulty in paying attention to one thing for long but I had no idea that this could be a sign of something so serious,” said a distressed Nupur.


CTEV – Why Clubfoot Should Be Treated Early

At Raghav’s birth, the pediatrician at Sitaram Bhartia noticed his feet were abnormally bent, which caused the parents – Jyoti and Akash – to worry about their son’s health.

“This is where we heard about CTEV or clubfoot for the first time,” recalled Jyoti.

CTEV (Congenital Talipes Equinovarus), more commonly known as clubfoot,

9 month pregnancy

9 Month Pregnancy – Changes & Precautions To Know Before You Go Into Labour

Finally the wait is coming to an end. You are anxiously waiting for the moment you will meet your little one. You can’t help but feel a bit impatient. That’s what Richa Joshi (27) felt in her 9 month pregnancy.

As much as she was excited, Richa knew that she could go into labour anytime and so wanted to be prepared with as much information as possible.

gallbladder stone surgery

Gallbladder Stone Operation: When do you need treatment?

Gallbladder stone operation is a common procedure recommended for the treatment of gallstones.

Can gallstones be removed without removing the gallbladder?

Dr Bajaj says, “There are few medications but they may not work for everyone.”

“These medications may take years to dissolve gallstones but these stones might reappear when the medication is stopped.

7 month pregnancy

Entering Your Third Trimester? Know More About Your 7 Month Pregnancy To Be Better Prepared

As Janhavi (30) entered Sitaram Bhartia Hospital for her first ultrasound in the third trimester, she went through all the questions she intended to ask Dr. Namrita Gurpal Singh Sandhu, Consultant Obstetrician at Sitaram Bhartia about her 7 month pregnancy.

As soon as she settled down after her ultrasound, Janhavi started off with her queries without delay.

ventral hernia

Ventral Hernia – Is Surgery the Right Option?

It had been a few weeks since Anshul Khanna had joined the gym when he felt discomfort in his lower abdomen. When he instinctively put his hand on his abdomen, he thought he felt something poke out.

“At first I dismissed it as my muscles getting tired because I was working out too hard,” recalled Anshul.