downs syndrome

Downs Syndrome and Pregnancy

Recently, one of our obstetric consultants met a mother with a 3-year old baby in her clinic. She was a playful and happy little baby but had a few characteristic features that set her apart. Payal had all the class signs of a baby with Downs Syndrome – a small chin, slanted eyes, a flat nasal bridge,

caesarean section myths

Caesarean Section Myths

Deliveries by caesarean section have been steadily rising in Delhi and across India over the last decade. And the reasons behind their rise are not always medically sound.

Sometimes, women elect to have a caesarean because they’re afraid of labour pains; but with the proper support in the labour room, women can successfully have a normal delivery and a positive birth experience.

OT Nurse Presenting

Learning from one another – a step forward in Sitaram Bhartia’s quality improvement journey

On the evening of July 9, 2016, I was nervous about the “sharing and learning session” I was to facilitate at Sitaram Bhartia the next day. This was going to be the first-of-its-kind session at the hospital where five teams were going to share their improvement stories with each other. Neither were they going to showcase their work to management nor to an audience outside the hospital.

BMJ Quality Forum

Global Maternal Newborn Healthcare Conference in Mexico delivers on all counts!

“We discussed this internally but don’t feel we have the bandwidth to travel to Mexico” I wrote to small nonprofit in India, whose target population was very different – middle-class women in Delhi subject to over-intervention in maternity care rather than the most marginalized populations dying from access to care.

My doubts were quickly put aside in the Welcome Event.

Are you inspired by Florence Nightingale this Nurses Day?

Every year we celebrate International Nurses Day on Florence Nightingale’s birthday.  In our hospital it’s a time when nurses dress up in their best, renew their pledge to serve, collect awards, and put on a cultural program.  For the third year in a row I was asked to say a few words.  Last year I had discussed how our newly introduced Training Within Industry (TWI) program had helped reduce nursing complaints,