Antenatal Class | Preparing for the New Arrival

Antenatal Class: Preparing for the New Arrival

Babycare Antenatal Class

About Preparing for the New Arrival

Our class on Preparing for the New Arrival lines up perfectly with your second or third trimesters. New parents often feel anxious about how to provide the best baby care and what to expect after their baby arrives; our class will address just those concerns.

Here’s what you will learn:

What to expect

from the first few days after your baby’s birth

How to care for your newborn

How to recognise

the right amount of feeding.

Labour & Delivery Module 1-Preparing For Healthy Pregnancy (Online)

1st Sat of the month
(14 TO 20 Week)

Labour & Delivery Module 2 – Preparing for labour (Online)

2nd Sat of the month
(26 TO 32 Week)

Labour & Delivery Module 3 – Labour Management (Offline)

3rd Sat of the month
(32 weeks onwards)

Labour & Delivery Module 4 – Intervention & Preparing for Baby Arrival (Offline)

4th Sat of the month
(34 weeks onwards)

Note- This class is available as part of combination with Labour & Delivery 

Please get in touch with Dr.Shilpi by clicking the button below.